Labour market and inequality
In the media

SA-TIED research featured in articles on women’s financial challenges and workplace stress


SA-TIED research on the gender wage gap has been highlighted in two recent articles addressing the unique challenges faced by women in South Africa. Both features underline how the wage gap and broader social issues contribute to women’s financial and mental health struggles.

The first article from 10X Investments explores the financial challenges women face as breadwinners, drawing on SA-TIED’s research which shows that women earned only 78 cents for every rand earned by men in 2021. This, coupled with caregiving responsibilities and events like divorce, makes it harder for women to save for retirement, despite the growing number of women becoming primary earners. Caroline Naylor-Renn, COO of 10X Investments, stresses the need for women to adopt more proactive investment strategies.

The second article, published by Good Things Guy, discusses the impact of workplace stress on women, particularly in light of their higher levels of caregiving and household responsibilities. The article highlights SA-TIED’s research showing the decline in women’s earnings, from 89 cents to 78 cents for every rand earned by men since 2008. This wage gap, along with other workplace challenges, has increased stress levels among women, leading to negative impacts on both their productivity and mental health. The article underscores the need for more comprehensive mental health support for women in the workplace.

Read more:

10X Investments Article
Good Things Guy Article